Susan McHale is a Greenwich, CT native with over 30 years of experience as a professional artist. She has worked with many different mediums over the years; oil, watercolor, acrylic, mixed media and most recently with Ceramics.
Her ceramic pieces are sculptural vessels, with forms that hopefully bring joy and emotion. They resemble a living growing tree or a moving human body, dancing, twisting, speaking with gestures. Reaching out.
The clay shapes are pushed outwards and an inner energy comes to life. The color of the outer surface contrasts with the inside lip. More than decorative objects, they can become a pitcher or a flower vase. They are for touching and using.

While neutral whites, tans, grays and blacks dominate the glazes, Susan actually experiments with a lot of earthy tones, irons, golds, copper and brass hues. Some of her pieces are studies in silver with mineral oxides.
Form seems to come alive, to speak, and to shape a personality. Each one different, sometimes relating to one another. Individually they have personalities.
Two group shows at the Ely Center of Contemporary Arts, New Haven CT "Guns in the Hands of Artist" and "Our Bodies Ourselves" - 2019
Juried Show at the New Haven Paint and Clay Club, 2019
"EXPERIENCE EXPERIMENT" solo show, 34 pieces displayed at the Stamford Art Association - Nov-Dec. 2013
Yale, New Haven ART PLACE, "Art in a Healing Place" gallery, 10 works displayed - 2009
Years of Juried Shows and the annul Holiday Shows at the Rowayton Art Center
15 Years of Juried Shows for Local Art Societies: the Art Society of Old Greenwich, Greenwich Art Society, Greenwich Arts Council Art to the Avenue exhibitions, New Canaan Carriage Barn, and the Stamford Art Association.
9 years of Silvermine School of Art Shows: Student Gallery and Annual Juried Exhibitions
"1918 Another Pandemic, Almanac Collages" Show, at The Stamfort Art Association, September. 4th - 26th 2021.
1st place Faber Birren Color Award Show, at the Stamford Art Association
Trinity College, Hartford, CT - BA 1978
Classes at The Royal College of Art, London, England- 1980
MIT, Visible Language Workshop, Cambridge, MA 1978-80

Most recent Exhibition featured in Greenwich Times
& can be viewed online
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